Wishing you a safe and driver-friendly holiday out on the road. Take your time, encourage kindness and enjoy the winter weather.

Join Us For Our "Groundbreaking" Celebration

We are celebrating breaking ground on our new location with a July 4th Celebration!
  • 10:00 Parade Start Bring a chair, veteran seating provided.
  • 12:00 – 2:00 Southern Style BBQ - $5 donation benefits KidZone Museum. Veterans free.
  • 1:00 - 2:00 Cornhole tournament.

11500 Donner Pass Road
Formerly the Dickson Realty building, between TDPUD and Arbor Boardhouse.

Official Doubles Team Entry
Cornhole Tournament July 4th

Tournament Rules: We may make them up as we go, but here are a few you can count on.

  1. You must be present to win.
  2. Teams are doubles teams. Substitutions allowed only at the start of play.
  3. ACA Rules will be followed to the best of our ability.
  4. The game shall be played to 21 unless a team scores 7 or more points and is humiliating their opponents at which time the losing team may choose to forfeit and go have a beer (BYOB).
  5. Teams must use the supplied cornhole bags and boards. No whining about it.
  6. Teams must be nice to each other.
  7. There is no betting on the tournament and no prize money or free oil service. The winning team will receive an official one-of-a-kind plaque and the notoriety of being crowned cornhole champions of Truckee. Maybe even a t-shirt if we get it together in time.
  8. Entry fee is $10 per team, paid on arrival.