Posted on 3/25/2016

The buzz around ‘extended oil change intervals’ for passenger cars and SUVs is everywhere. Most vehicle manufacturers are recommending longer oil change intervals. Oil companies are offering oils that they promote as having extended life. And motorists, pressured by the challenges of a tight economy and a hectic lifestyle, like the prospect of fewer trips to get their car’s oil changed. There are a few issues with extended oil change intervals. One is the quality of product used. The oil filter needs to have the require a capacity and efficiency to stand up against the impact of dirt, dust and engine contaminants over an extended period of time. As an owner that wants to protect your engine, know that not all oil filters are equal and a discounted oil change will probably be using a less quality filter that just can not stand up. 1. Filter Capacity The term ‘capacity,’ when used in reference to an oil filter, does not mean the amount ... read more
Posted on 3/5/2015

Quality Automotive Servicing is now a Certified Auto Repair center. As you venture out on the road headed to your next adventure, count on a 24,000 mile, 24 month coast to coast, nationwide warranty on any part and service performed at Quality Automotive Servicing in Truckee, CA. Plus, just in time for your summer travel season, every customer, including Smog Checks, receive the Certified Auto Repair 24 hour roadside assistance with an 800 number that not only connects you with a tow truck, but reimburses for items such as towing, jump starts, tire change assistance, fuel delivery and even key lock out service. On your next trip in Truckee, Lake Tahoe or across the nation, know you’re covered if you get into trouble. When things happen, call 800-457-0019 day or night and Certified Auto Repair will help you get back on the road. Full details are available on the Quality Automotive Servicing website or keep the brochure handy in your glove box. Just another way Quality Automo ... read more
Posted on 9/3/2014

It’s back to school and it’s easy for college students to remember to get new clothes, school supplies and dorm and apartment furniture, but what about preparing the car that’s going to haul all that stuff? Quality Automotive Servicing reminds students and their parents not to overlook Vehicle Maintenance 101. “Making sure the college-bound vehicle gets a passing grade will give both the student and their parents peace of mind for the drive back to school and the first semester of bombing around,” said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. “It’s always a good idea to inspect a vehicle and have any repairs done near home, at familiar repair shop”. Quality Automotive Servicing recommends that the following items be checked before hitting the road: • Tires and tire pressure • Hoses and belts • Air filters • Wipers • Exterior and interior lighting • Fluid levels, including engine oil, power steering, brake, transmission, windshield washer solvent and antifreeze/coolant ... read more