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Tag Archives: inspection

You're Dealership Alternative; Major Mileage Service

Currently Working on Copy.  Thanks for your patience.  For an explination of major mileage services and the special needs of mountain-drive vehicles, contact the shop at 530-587-1933.   

Why can’t I get a quote without an inspection?

Why can’t I get a quote without an inspection?

Over the years customers have all been “trained” to ask for quotes over the phone before bringing their car into a shop. It makes sense to know what you're paying for beforehand right? From decades of experience, we know that without a vehicle inspection or diagnostic testing, accurately assess your concern and giving a price over the phone is just inaccurate.   We know that price is important to you, as it should be. But we’re also willing to bet that you’ll want to be sure you're not paying for something you don't need either. Shopping around may be a great way to find the cheapest price, but that doesn’t mean you are getting the best deal or best quality. We are experts at determining through diagnostics, the root of a problem of you are experiencing. Don't automatically assume this will cost more. When we dig deeper into an issue, we may discover components that do not need to be repl ... read more

There’s a difference between “oil change” and “oil service”?

There’s a difference between “oil change” and “oil service”?

  The “quick lube” 20 minute oil change has been a long term standard in the automotive industry. Providing a fast oil change sounds great, but ultimately is a disservice to the customer and the vehicle. Here at Quality Automotive Servicing in Truckee, CA, that used to be our standard too. We charged a minimal “quick lube” price for a quick oil change that did not include any kind of inspection. However, the day came when we provided that service to a customer, and as she left our parking lot her serpentine belt broke. She asked how we could have missed such a thing! Explaining she would have rather had us taken the time to inspect her car since it was already in the shop, and avoided such an awful breakdown. That is why we created the ServicePlus Oil Service.  We know importance of a vehicle inspection at every service, no matter how new or old the vehicle is. Your safety, and the safety of your passengers, is as important to us as i ... read more

It's Dark Out There: Increase Your Vision on The Roadway

It's Dark Out There: Increase Your Vision on The Roadway

RESTORE YOUR HEADLIGHTS TO SEE WILDLIFE! My neighbor's daughter was driving carefully that night, watching for deer and other animals on the roadway.  But out of the dark crossed a coyote and her pup.  A thousand pounds of Toyota and her were about to collide.  Luckily she zipped across the road to safety.  Was it luck or animal instinct? Daylight savings time ends November 1st and days will become shorter and shorter.  Daylight is yielding to darkness and poorly lit mountain roads can be hazardous for your vehicle and wildlife. For your safety and the life of an animal out on the roadway, it’s important to have bright headlights.    Over the years of use, headlights will loose clarity and hinder your long distance view on dark Sierra roads such as Highway 89 toward Squaw Valley.  The result could be deadly for a neighborhood pet or wild animal.  A ... read more

Oil Change: Why Quick & Cheap Is Not Better

It's easy to think that keeping up on regular oil changes is all your vehicle needs. While regular oil & filter changes are important, at Quality Automotive Servicing in Truckee, we know your vehicle needs more. Let me tell you a true story. My friend has regular oil changes at a “Quick” lube in Reno. Recently he headed to Moab to meet some friends for mountain biking. In eastern Nevada, a belt broke and he became stranded. But that wasn’t the worst of it. When the belt broke, it flung around under the hood and put a hole in the radiator. While all his radiator fluid leaked out, he stood on the side of the road wondering if he even had cell service. While he was seeking bars, and not the drinking kind, he discovered the closest shop that could do the work in a day was in Salt Lake City. He was towed, at his expense, to Salt Lake City where he put his trust in a shop he didn’t know. He purchased a new radiator and belt at considerable expense. This wa ... read more