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Tag Archives: hybrid

CarMax Top Hybrids for 2020

CarMax Top Hybrids for 2020

Truckee High School students lined the streets today as part of a nationwide effort to demand "action" on climate change. We thought we would take this opportunity to list the CarMax list of their best choices for hybrid vehicles. The team at Quality Automotive Servicing is preparing for the increase in hybrid vehicles in our town. To add to our expertise on servicing hybrid vehicles, two of our technicians are attending two-days of advanced training on servicing hybrids like the popular Toyota Prius and models from Honda, Lincoln, Hyundai, Chevy, GMC, Nissan, Lexus, Infiniti, Audi, BMW, VW, Porsche and Mercedes. Hybrid vehicle owners can count on QAS to be the best choice for local hybrid service. What will your next vehicle be; gas, hybrid or electric? 15. Honda Civic Hybrid 14. Honda CR-Z ... read more


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