Posted on 11/26/2018

Five Things to Know About Your Oil Change Sticker Keeping up on regular oil changes is one of the most important things you can do for your vehicle. To make it easy to remember when an oil service is needed, the mechanics at Quality Automotive Servicing in Truckee will place a “reminder sticker” with some important information on your windshield on the drivers side. This will prompt you to make an appointment for oil service at Your Trusted Local Auto Care in Truckee. Here are five things the sticker is telling you. Premium Oil & Filters: Quality Automotive Servicing uses high quality Valvoline oil and oil filters. There are cheaper products out there, but for best performance and engine longevity we choose Valvoline. Synth = Synthetic: Synthetic oils are a better product for your vehicle and the rigorous driving in our mountain environment. Synthetic oil performs better at high temperatures and has longer change inte ... read more
Posted on 7/24/2018

If your Truckee or Lake Tahoe student is heading off to college and bringing a vehicle, now is the time to start preparing. As a parent of a future college freshman, I know that there is alot to think about in getting ready to send them off. Sometimes the last thing on the to-do list is the vehicle they may be taking. Here are some hints from the folks at Quality Automotive Servicing that will make your students trip back and forth to school safe and worry free. Have the oil serviced and get an inspection: The last thing you need is for your student to be seeking out a mechanic and dealing with a repair while at school. Before they leave, have the vehicle in for an oil service and complimentary Red Check Inspect at Quality Automotive Servicing. We will rack to vehicle and give it an overall look. You receive a report giving you an idea of the condition of the vehicle and alerting you to any issues. Do this well before they leave so you have time to fix any items that need atte ... read more
Posted on 1/10/2013
You should know that changing your engine oil regularly is one of the most important maintenance items you can perform on your vehicle - especially in the Truckee Lake Tahoe mountains. Irregular oil changes, or using the wrong product, is damaging to the engine and could result in a hefty repair bill down the road. How often to change your oil, a seemingly easy question, is not always that straightforward. Nearly every vehicle manufacturer has an oil change schedule for “normal” driving conditions and another for “severe” driving conditions. Here are some standards for “severe” driving conditions. Operate in dusty, wet or muddy terrain Frequent driving in stop and go traffic Repeated short trips without sufficient warm up Ambient temperature extremes, high and low Operating in mountainous/high altitude areas Trailer towing It le ... read more