Posted on 4/16/2020
QAS is going to the dogs and Supporting the HSTT Dogs! Is yours keeping you sane, or insane, during these crazy times? We at Quality Automotive Servicing understand the importance of pets and this week for our Full Circle Friday the QAS team is GOING TO THE DOGS. We are proud to recognize and support our local Humane Society of Truckee Tahoe with a donation for their food pantry. Here’s how you can help… Email us and tell us about your pet story. How is your bond with an animal getting you through the Covid-19 crisis? For each story we will donate $5 to the Humane Society of Truckee Tahoe. We don’t know what we will do with the stories, but if you have a suggestion let us know, we are all ears. ROSEBUD (Bud): Lab, 7 years The other day she was licking the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. As I told her to “leave it”, she got her collar stuck on the fully loaded bottom rack. In a panic ... read more