When you are looking for interesting information about cars, check out our blog! We strive to entertain and educate Truckee drivers about any and all auto repair related topics, and if you have any other questions, we encourage you to ask the auto mechanics at Quality Automotive Servicing.


You're Dealership Alternative; Major Mileage Service

Currently Working on Copy.  Thanks for your patience.  For an explination of major mileage services and the special needs of mountain-drive vehicles, contact the shop at 530-587-1933.   

Full Circle Community Support a Core Value at Quality Automotive Servicing

Full Circle Community Support a Core Value at Quality Automotive Servicing

Thanks for visiting.  We are currently working on the content for this blog.  

Jack Waltershied Completes Apprentice Training Program

Jack Waltershied Completes Apprentice Training Program

Local Truckee High School Graduate Completes Apprentice Program  Congratulations to Jack Waltershied, the first graduate of the newly created technician apprentice program at Quality Automotive Servicing in Truckee, California.   At the age of 16, Jack was hired at Quality Automotive Servicing as a shop assistant. The team at Quality saw that Jack was smart, personable and with training would be a great addition to the team.   When Jack showed interest in automotive repair as a career and was making plans for study beyond high school, Quality Automotive Servicing saw an opportunity to develop an apprenticeship program. QAS helped with Jack's enrollment in the Technician Training program at Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) and he became Quality's first apprentice.  The QAS apprentice program combines college and hands-on training to develop young adults toward successful careers in the indus ... read more

Avoid a Collision With Wildlife - Invest in Headlight Restoration

Avoid a Collision With Wildlife - Invest in Headlight Restoration

Truckee, CA:   Beware of wildlife on Truckee and Lake Tahoe roads warns Quality Automotive Servicing of Truckee, CA.  Deer and bear on the roadway are common and each year they fall victim to collisions with vehicles.  "It's absolutely horrible to hit an animal in the first place, but it can also do a lot of damage to your car," says a local Sierra Valley commuter. Quality Automotive Servicing recommends that if you drive at night, one of the best things you can do is improve your night vision with a professional headlight restoration service.    Headlights become yellowed and cloudy over time (see below). This decreases the distance a driver can see at night.  On   mountain highways and roads, not having clear and long distance vision can result in not identifying wildlife until it's too late to avoid them.  If you drive areas with heavy deer activity, a h ... read more

For Women Only - Women Auto Know

For Women Only - Women Auto Know

  Five Truckee Women Make Auto Care & Repair Friendly for Females Truckee, CA; It's no surprise that women feel a little vulnerable in an auto repair shop. Not so at Quality Automotive Servicing in TRUCKEE California. This full-service, premium shop is a WOB (Woman Owned Business) and dedicated to a female-friendly customer experience when it comes to car repair. Sheila Greeno purchased the Truckee business with her husband Bill, in 2018 and is the majority owner. Over the years, Sheila has set out to be sure women feel comfortable in the shop environment, are respected at the counter and have career opportunities in automotive servicing and repair.    Chloe: QAS Service AdvisorMaggie Lusser: QAS Service ManagerJamie Millard: QAS Customer CommunicationsShei ... read more

