Posted on 7/12/2016

The cooling system of your vehicle will be working hard this summer as temperatures in Truckee and Lake Tahoe heat up. To be sure your truck, SUV or car can take the heat have a qualified technician at Quality Automotive Servicing run through a checklist of items that will keep you on the road. Here are some things to consider in maintaining a healthy cooling system and your safety on the road. The ratio of coolant in the radiator should be 50:50 with the manufacturer recommended coolant for your engine and distilled water. Coolant should be flushed and changed regularly. The professionals at Your Trusted Local Auto Care suggest it be done annually for Glycol systems and every 100K with modern coolants. This keeps the system fresh and free of containements which will prevent corrosion and assures that the coolant has the proper boiling point and protection. If you experience overheating while driving, pull over at the next safe spot. You can do severe damage to your engi ... read more
Posted on 3/25/2016

The buzz around ‘extended oil change intervals’ for passenger cars and SUVs is everywhere. Most vehicle manufacturers are recommending longer oil change intervals. Oil companies are offering oils that they promote as having extended life. And motorists, pressured by the challenges of a tight economy and a hectic lifestyle, like the prospect of fewer trips to get their car’s oil changed. There are a few issues with extended oil change intervals. One is the quality of product used. The oil filter needs to have the require a capacity and efficiency to stand up against the impact of dirt, dust and engine contaminants over an extended period of time. As an owner that wants to protect your engine, know that not all oil filters are equal and a discounted oil change will probably be using a less quality filter that just can not stand up. 1. Filter Capacity The term ‘capacity,’ when used in reference to an oil filter, does not mean the amount ... read more
Posted on 11/17/2015
In our high altitude mountain environment, your car , SUV and truck brakes take a beating. Driving in dusty conditions, freezing temperatures, and on steep grades takes a toll on all brake components. All these severe environmental conditions individually are tough on a vehicle. Now put them all together on a mountain road and you have some real challenges for your braking system. Brake pad wear, rotor warping, squeaks and grinding noises are all the result of every day braking in our severe environment. So when it’s time to replace any of these components, it’s important to visit a shop that now only knows brakes, but will install a quality product that will hold up to these severe conditions. For example, a brake pad sold for a Honda Civic in Sacramento will not be beefy enough for a heavier SUV or truck in Truckee. The bottom line is, if you choose an economy brake job, you will receive an economy product which will wear easily to a daily commute on Northwoods Bo ... read more
Posted on 10/30/2015
When Should I Replace My Wiper Blades? Well, many Truckee drivers will wait until they fail. The problem with that is that you find out they have failed when you actually need them most – a little too late. Wiper blades are really a critical safety system for travelers to Truckee and Lake Tahoe and mountain residents. As 90% of driving decisions are based on what we see, if you can’t see well because your wipers can’t clear your windshield, your ability to drive safely is significantly impaired. The simple answer to when windshield wiper blades should be replaced is when they are not working well. But replacing them before they go bad and prior to a first big storm is wise. For some Truckee and Lake Tahoe car owners, once a year may be enough. For others – those who drive a lot, whose wipers are exposed to a lot of sun, or use their wipers more – replacing the blades a couple of times a year might be in order. There are several types ... read more
Posted on 10/13/2015
Used Car Buyer or Seller should get InspectionTruckee auto owners sell their cars, trucks and SUV’s for a lot of different reasons. Maybe they just want something new or maybe they’re selling that Subaru because it has a problem or two. So how do you know what you’re getting into when you buy a used car in Truckee, California? And if you’re the seller, how do you get top dollar for your four-wheel-drive (4WD) truck or car? Whether you’re buying or selling, a “buyers Inspection” from Quality Automotive Servicing will make the transaction run smoother.Buyer Beware : As the buyer, you want to know the true condition of the vehicle you are about the purchase. Having a used car “buyer’s inspection” shows the true cost of purchasing the vehicle. That is, the price plus whatever repairs or maintenance is due. Even if the vehicle has no record ... read more